We'll explain in this blog post exactly what a domain name is, what purpose it serves and why domain names should matter to you. Interpret here! Please read here!

  1. Domain Names 101
  2. Domain Name Importance, and How It Works
  3. Where to find and how to register a [Good] domain name?
  4. Making the process of the New Domain name simple
  5. Differences Between a website and a domain name?
  6. Is Domain Name Migration Possible?
  7. Choosing '.com' as part of the domain name
  8. Make a fact for your domain name!

The term "domain name" has probably been heard before.

While some of us may have a general understanding of what a domain name is, when it comes to understanding the full meaning of a domain name there is typically a major gap.

Our mission here at DIGITAL PANDA is to provide you with a full and thorough understanding of domain names, so you can become a pro domain name by the end of this post!

All you have to do is read on to find out exactly how to use domain names to your full advantage-while also understanding their wider scope.

A domain name is what defines a website.
You can type in the web address bar, and in seconds press 'Enter' to be taken to the web page. (Or hit the 'Go' button on your smartphone.)
This may also represent a whole brand or business name, while also maintaining the ownership and protection of a given domain. While that's fairly simple, the spectrum of a good domain name goes beyond.
The good news though is that domain names are much easier to remember than IP addresses, as IP's contain a number of numbers and a lot of codes that people tend to quickly forget. They are what distinguishes your website, your favorite online shop, and every other website from the other websites present on the internet to describe the basic scope of domain names from a specific perspective.

Google is one easy example here ↓
For this, the domain name is https:/www.google.com/, and nobody else can use that domain name from Google. Domain names are more like a 'calling card' or sign, a password, or a lock that provides some identification, protection, and protection for your domain.
A strong domain name defines what the website is all about, and notifies visitors instantly. In addition, a good domain may also accentuate the form of 'name' or 'vibe' which is compatible with web page content.

Domain Name Importance, and How It Works
While computers basically use IP addresses to identify themselves, domain names are the recognizable means of reminding and tracking websites.
Through registering and using domain names, people can conveniently scan through their memories only for the websites they wish to visit. A domain name may appear in any combination of letters and numbers, usually with common domain name extensions like.org,.com,.net, etc.
They must always be registered and paid for when searching for a new domain name to be used and even branded in order to be activated. And no two active domain names are ever the same, like a license plate or even a social security number. Each single one is special. When someone types into something called www.yourdomain.com, it's going to go straight to the website and elsewhere.
Nor can anyone else use the same domain name.
And remember: Domain names often come at a cheap price — typically $15-25 per year. In addition, there is only a limited number of domain name extensions available, other than the traditional '.com' — the most common and known business extension.

Any other extensions of the generic domain name Includes:
.edu – for educational institutions
.mil – military organizations
.org – used for nonprofit organizations
.gov – for the government agencies for their official pages

Today, for your respective countries, there are also domain name extensions such as:
.uk – United Kingdom
.ca – Canada
.th – Thailand
.ph – Philippines. 

Where to find and how to register a [Good] domain name?
First and foremost, the most important thing to do when establishing and registering a new domain name is to make sure it isn't used today on the internet!

Please remember: every domain name is special. And if you think your domain name is too complicated, very likely to forget, or if there is a possibility that someone else has already taken it, then just think of better ones.
A good domain name should aim to reflect your brand, and convey what you really are about. For better performance, a successful domain name must have "quick recall" so people can quickly remember it, so they can visit your site again and again!
Afterwards, you simply have to register it online to make your website legal or "official." 

Since domain names are created to a company named "Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers" (ICANN), this system is already set up for you. For ICANN's approved list of domain registrars available on their website, you can register your domain name, and that can be a very fast and easy process.

Making the process of the New Domain name simple
Given the idea of creating a new, swanky website, did you think?
If so, you can start setting it up today ... just pick your preferred web hosting service, check for your potential domain name(s), fill out the form(s) to be submitted, then pay for your domain at last. Once you pay for the domain, please note that the price of owning the domain name will almost always show up immediately – usually on the same page where you search for the availability of the same domain name(s).
When that part has been finished, then don't forget to connect your domain to the website itself! By using the domain manager, enter first the web hosting site and then link the secondary server to your chosen domain name registrar setting. After this fast process, your domain name is now being connected directly to your website.

(If this aspect of using a domain manager seems confusing right now, your hosting service such as GoDaddy should have directions and support set up to make this part easier and more seamless for you!).
In a case you don't already have a website, park your domain first after you buy it! "Parking" means having a reserved website address until you create and run your website with your new, selected domain name. Parking a domain can be very wise if you consider a high-demand domain name in a contract and if you expect to launch a new website in the near future.

Differences Between a website and a domain name?
There is also a distinction between a website itself and a domain name.

To put it simply, the domain name is the easiest way to remember a website's address and name, the type of site that you are visiting, and even the company's entire brand name. A simple Domain Name may also reflect the name of the actual organization or product . just as www.Google.com, 
www.Facebook.com and www.Twitter.com specifically reflect the branding of the entire business.
When it comes to domain names vs a website, there's also a technical difference ...

First, the website itself consists basically of the database, the content, the online accessibility, and is known to be the collection of web pages hosted on the Internet. The domain name is the website entry point on the same page-and sometimes the name or brand or company as well. And as you probably understand by now, the domain name is a key factor for your audience to differentiate between one website and another, simply because each is named differently!

Is Domain Name Migration Possible?
To make sure your domain name is eligible for transfer, log in to your previous online registrar and check it first.

According to ICANN 's policy on moving registrations between registrars, domains that are less than 60 days old – or those domains that have been transferred within 60 days between registrars – are not eligible for transfer. In other words , this means you have to wait 60 days to process your move.
Then, if after that waiting period all of this is settled and clear, you can now prepare your domain name for transfer. To do so, unlock your domain by removing the registrar lock for security and protection controls that you may have put on your domain. And if you need help, your web hosting company should have direct support, directories and help to make this easier for you.

Choosing '.com' as part of the domain name
Nonetheless, if you run a website linked to some form of commercial company, the well-known ".com" is preferred. ".com" is the most common extension on the internet, as you know by now. In fact, it is strongly suggested that every qualified company and brand use the ".com" extension to prove its reputation and reliability to its users almost immediately.

As this is also the most well-known extension of the domain name, ".com" is widely used to calculate the integrity and trustworthiness of a web. For this reason, many companies, stores, or brands that operate a commercial business website tend to use ".com" as their extension. They use this extension of.com to prove their authority with other organisations, while industry authorities use this as well to develop their public presence.

Make a fact for your domain name!
Please think about your brand first before pulling the trigger on a new domain name so you can get a clear picture of what you want your domain name to communicate. Don't just come up with one domain name you 're stuck to, but get as many good options as you can, and then narrow it down.
Make sure you use a credible hosting site referred to by ICANN to avoid any complications in processing your domain name. Once you have registered your domain name or a transfer case, learn first about the procedures provided by your hosting company support line, guides, and directory.
And if you follow the proper steps, processes , and procedures to make sure your new website is credible and reminiscent, then many will soon know it!


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